James Comer tweeted the following:
"We need to know if @POTUS has compromised national security in his dealings with China.
Did China pay to play to ensure favorable treatment with a future Biden Administration?
It sure looks like it.
Joined @EveningEdit to discuss the latest in my @GOPoversight investigation."
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Here are other recent tweets from James Comer:
"Joining the @EveningEdit with @LizMacDonaldFOX tonight!
The "Big Guy" doesnt want Americans to have American-made energy, but hes fine selling it to China if it makes his family rich.
Tune in to @FoxBusiness for more on my @GOPoversight investigation." on Sept. 21
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The "Big Guy" doesnt want Americans to have American-made energy, but hes fine selling it to China if it makes his family rich.
Tune in to @FoxBusiness for more on my @GOPoversight investigation." on Sept. 21
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"@GOPoversight uncovered a plan by the Biden family to sell U.S. natural gas reserves to China.
Chinese business partners provided the Biden family detailed maps identifying critical U.S. gas reserves.
It's not just Hunter. Joe Biden was deeply involved.
@FoxNews @seanhannity" on Sept. 21
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Chinese business partners provided the Biden family detailed maps identifying critical U.S. gas reserves.
It's not just Hunter. Joe Biden was deeply involved.
@FoxNews @seanhannity" on Sept. 21
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