James Comer tweeted the following:
The Biden Admin is planning to provide illegal immigrants ID cards when released into the U.S.
This will fuel the Border Crisis & potentially allow illegal migrants to improperly access housing & healthcare benefits.
Were seeking answers.
@RepGrothman @GOPoversight"
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Here are other recent tweets from James Comer:
"It never ceases to amaze me how @POTUS continues to request money from Congress.
He's now hoping taxpayers will hand over $7 billion dollars to the CDC to fight monkeypox.
This Administration can't even handle COVID.
Why should Americans trust them now? @newsmax"
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He's now hoping taxpayers will hand over $7 billion dollars to the CDC to fight monkeypox.
This Administration can't even handle COVID.
Why should Americans trust them now? @newsmax"
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"Looking forward to joining @jsolomonReports on #JustTheNewsNotNoise. Be sure to tune in! twitter.com/justthenews/st" on July 28
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"There is a possible coordinated effort by this Administration to hide the Biden networks suspicious foreign business transactions from the American people.
Hunter Biden's shady dealings with foreign adversaries is a national security threat.
Joined @seanhannity to discuss" on July 28
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Hunter Biden's shady dealings with foreign adversaries is a national security threat.
Joined @seanhannity to discuss" on July 28
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